Rise Of Goddess Durga After The Never Ending Sleep

Rise Of Goddess Durga After The Never Ending Sleep

Rise Of Goddess Durga – Saptasati – the holy book of puja procedure of Devi; has explained certain interesting facts about Goddess Durga and the rituals to be followed during Navratri. From Mahalaya day the grand Durga Puja countdown begins. In Hindu tradition from the New Moon to the Full Moon of Bhadra, the fifteen days period is known as the Goddess Period or Devi Paksha. In this period Hindus believe, is the best time to do any sacred work.

Durga Puja on Navratri

Rise Of Goddess Durga

Traditionally Durga Puja used to be practiced during springtime by King Suratha. That is why it is also known as Basanti Puja. According to Purana on this day Lord Rama worshipped Devi Durga before departing for Lanka to kill the demon Ravana. Lord Rama worshipped Devi Durga in the autumn state (Shashti tithi) – where all the Gods and Goddesses are asleep; that is why it is also known as Untimely Worshipping or Akaal ‘Bodhan’. He performed this puja as he needed the help of the Goddess – the power she possessed.

This power was needed to kill the very strong and witty demon Ravana. It is known as Akaal Bodhan as it was the time when Lord Rama worshipped Devi Durga. This is said to be the period where God and Goddess are in the awakened state. This period falls on the Paush month and lasts till the 9th Asadh.

There’s another major Hindu ritual that is observed during this period that is Pitru Paksha as this is the time when Pitras arise. It is not just the Pitras who get satisfied during this time but also other living things starting from an ameba to trees get satisfaction.

Lord Rama had performed this Maha Puja in Shasthi Tithi during the evening to awaken the power.

Durga Puja on Navratri

From the next day onwards ‘Devi Paksha’ starts. It is a period of 9 days which is more famously known as Navratri. The 9 days depict 9 Goddesses and forms of power.

Read Also:- Kanya Puja: Actual Process & Reason Of Performing Kumari Puja

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