FIVE Auspicious Shades Of Holi Colors

The festival of Holi Colors- Holi is undoubtedly the most vibrant, exuberant and lively Hindu festivity celebrated all over India. One day before Holi, people ignite bonfire to commemorate the death of a hag Holika which represents a victory of good over evil. Holi is a time when human-being and nature indulge themselves in rejoice of the colors and liveliness of spring. The Abeer powder or Gulal also signifies the coming of this season and all the new dazzling colors it brings to nature to immortalize. Each color of Holi has some interesting mythology associated with it. How about nattering a few of the Holy folklores to flaunt the prepossessing Indian culture and traditions briefly…??

Shades of Holi Colors Purple, Violet, Royal-Blue

Holi Color Purple, Violet, Royal-Blue

The mythological story behind this bright colorful festival is very captivating and action-packed. Lord Krishna loved to play with his loving Radha, Gopis, or milkmaids during occasions. The traditional custom of playing Holi with colors/gulals and beers is based on the story of Krishna and Radha. At an early age, Once Lord Krishna complained to her mother Yashoda about Radha’s very fair complexion and questioned about his dark colored-skin. He also felt that nature has done a kind of injustice to him. Yashoda secretly suggested Krishna color Radha’s face playfully with any dark color (blue, violet or purple) of his choice on her cute and white face. Lord Krishna liked this idea of putting color on Radha and hence implemented it. Thus, the moment when Krishna approached Radha and applied colors on her beautiful face is the start of their love, devotion and companionship and hence marked this varicolored festivity to HOLI.

Shades of Holi Color: Green

Holi Color: Green

Green is the first color of Spring as it is the real color of the rebirth of Beginning. Indians especially Hindus celebrate Holi to say Adieu to winter season and welcome the season of spring, which brings growth, joy and euphoria. Originally, Holi was an agricultural festival which represents the color- Green. This dazzling carnival is collectively known as- Spring harvest Season for Farmers and also famed as- Vasant Mahotsava’ and ‘Kama Mahotsava’ in other parts of the country. It intrinsically symbolizes the arrival of ‘Spring’ Season which indicates the mixture of rejuvenation, jollification and lively celebrations. Spring brings this color- Green in motion through Holi and spreads a message of zest and an atmosphere of excitement, activity all around. People in Villages and Township smear Green colours in the atmosphere and organize carcades to aware villagers and the local residents to GO GREEN and help save the environment in the surroundings.

Shades of Holi Color: Pink

Holi Color: Pink

JAIPUR celebrates a vivid and dynamic color Festival which is way similar to Royal Culture & Heritage Fest. People come a long way to relish this Pink theme based Bright-hued Fete during Holi. On this special occasion, they adore the sovereign land of Jaipur- which is also famed as- Pink City among the local residents and celebrate it in vintage style. Peeps gather at some famous fort or heritage with traditional dresses and dance on their religious songs along with royal bands. They play Holi with PINK Gulal (Abeer) to showcase their traditional heritage all around. Folks organise fancy procession and decorate their elephants and horses with Pink clothes to maintain their patrimony on this garish festivity.

Shades of Holi Color: Red

Lath Maar Holi in Barsana is renowned for its vibrant Red color

Any festival or occasion is incomplete without Red color. In Braj region of India- Mathura, Vrindavan, Barsana and Nandgaon, Holi indicates a significant change in the life of a traditional Indian woman. Lath Maar Holi in Barsana is renowned for its vibrant Red color as this hue shade holds an important position in Indian culture and enhances the auspiciousness of the occasion. Therefore, Hindu married wives/women are asked to play Holi by flinging sticks and lathis at their husbands/men, who try to shield themselves as much as they can. To mark this many-hued occasion, women in Barsana are decked in red attires such as– Ghagra or lehenga-Cholis and sometimes Sarees along with Red Chooris (Bangles) and Bindi owing to the sacredness of the color in Hindu religion.

Shades of Holi Color: Yellow/Mustard

Holi Color: Yellow/Mustard

Yellow is undoubtedly the brightest and the coolest color among all as it shines with overloaded energy, gaiety and zest…!!!! A mythological story is associated with celebrating Holi with yellow and mustard color.  Legend has it, during Goddess Sati’s immolation; Lord Shiva got so furious and nearly destroyed the world. After a while, when he controlled his anger, he abandoned all worldly luxuries/duties and went into deep meditation. Later on, Kamadeva, the Love God came forward and tried to wake him up from his trance. Lord Shiva in anger got disturbed by Kamadev’s love arrow and opened his third eye in rage. Due to his fired ange, he reduced Kamadeva into ashes. There was a belief that it on this auspicious day, Kamadeva merrily sacrificed himself for the good of all beings. However, when Lord Shiva realized his mistake, he immediately booned Kamadeva the gift of immortality in invisible form. In this way, A custom of playing Holi with Sandalwood powder and paste come into existence and people also offer sandalwood paste to Kamadeva on this propitious day to celebrate merry-making.

At the time of celebrating this vibrant fest, avoid using harsh and fast colours made of chemicals and unnatural/non-herbal powder. Though, many of us believe playing with multi-colours in this season contributes in good health as colours are said to have a great impact on our body and health. Western-Physicians and doctors believe that for a healthy body, colours to have an important place besides the other vital elements.

Holashtak – The 8 days of curse before Holi

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